Lifestyle counselling
What is it and how can it help you?
One of my most significant practitioners over the years once said to me, “We are not Human Beings; we are HumanS Being – always think to yourself, how are you Being?” A holistic practitioner considers you as a whole – not only your physical body, but also your emotions, mind and spirit too. All of these areas need to be in balance for you to be “well”.
Just as a tree’s growth is influenced by how much or how little sunlight, water, air and nutrients it receives, we too are products of the myriad of factors enveloping us. It really is startling to consider how profoundly we are shaped by our surroundings.
Many of us are living a life that depletes us and leaves us feeling tired, unhappy and unfulfilled. The work we do, our relationships, how we choose to spend our time – our attitudes towards the components of our life are our experience of our life. We all face wonderful highs and bumpy lows on our ride through life, but sometimes we can benefit from shining a light on areas of our life that are no longer serving us, and considering new ways in which we would like to grow. It takes a bit of reflection, and sometimes a fair bit of confidence, but we are more than capable of making small changes here and there that can profoundly improve our experience of life.