Herbal medicine
What is it and how can it help you?
Herbal medicine is a modality that has held a central place in healing throughout most of human history. It involves using the leaves, roots, bark, flowers, berries and seeds of certain plants, in their whole fresh or dried form, or as a concentrated extract. Each year, the practice of herbal medicine is increasingly being validated by scientific studies. Herbs are potent sources of nutrients and phytochemicals like antioxidants, they can target specific organs and systems in our body, and they can support us as we move towards optimal health. Herbal medicine can be beneficial for conditions related to digestion, stress, anxiety, fatigue, poor sleep, hormones, skin health and cardiovascular concerns, among countless others.
There is a lot of crossover between foods and herbs. Culinary ingredients like garlic, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon and even oats may already be part of your diet, yet these foods have a long history of herbal use, being used therapeutically for many ailments. While the flavours of herbs are wonderful to incorporate into your meals to make your food taste more interesting, seeking advice from a herbal medicine practitioner ensures that you consume herbs in a suitable dose and form to address specific health conditions you may be experiencing, or to enhance overall vitality. As part of a consultation, herbal substances may be recommended in the form of teas, tinctures, capsules, steam inhalations or topical preparations, depending on what is most suitable for you.